We regularly upgrade and confirm our qualifications in order to comply with accepted standards and perform immigration services for our clients professionally.
1. IFA Membership
We have a membership certificate from the Institute of Financial Accountants (IFA). IFA is an internationally recognised professional association of accountants and a member of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), a global accounting standards developer and regulator.
Obtaining and retaining membership with the IFA demonstrates a high level of integrity, ethical behaviour and good standing.

2. OISC Certificate
Regulation number – F202331616 We will send the Digital Badge verification under your request.
The Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC) regulates immigration advisers; ensuring they are fit, competent and act in their clients’ best interests.

Having the OISC certificate means that our work is regulated by a code of standards and therefore we provide high-quality services on immigration cases. We conduct our activities in accordance with the UK Immigration laws, and requirements and help with the legalization, obtaining all types of UK visas, a temporary or permanent residence permit, and British citizenship only by legally proven immigration routes.
Download a pdf-file Approval Letter Best S F202331616 19.09.23-18.09.24
3. ICO Registration
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is the UK’s independent regulatory body for data protection and information rights legislation. ICO can take action to change the behaviour of organizations and individuals who collect, use and store personal information. This includes criminal prosecution, non-criminal enforcement, and auditing.
Since BS Immigration processes the client’s personal information, we are registered in the ICO and pay a data protection fee to the ICO. Our clients can be assured of confidentiality when working with us.

4. EIN Membership
The Electronic Immigration Network (EIN) is the UK’s largest specialized provider of case law information in the field of immigration and asylum. In fact, it is an online resource for immigration specialists and for other persons interested in immigration.
BS Immigration as a registered member of the EIN has the right to use the databases of the network. This allows access to guidelines and decisions related to immigration and asylum, from the Tribunal to the European Court of Human Rights. EIN members also have the opportunity to compile and create packages of court decisions.

5. JCWI Membership
The Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI) is a charitable organization established in 1967 that deals with all areas of asylum and immigration legislation.
JCWI challenges unfair laws and practices that restrict rights and lead to discrimination in the UK. This organization provides support to vulnerable persons and legal advice and does everything possible to protect the rights of its clients.
BS Immigration as a JCWI member has access to the electronic database of documentation; invitations to events and conversations on the issues of immigration, asylum and citizenship.

6. NALP Associate Membership
The National Association of Licensed Paralegals (NALP) is the UK’s oldest Professional Membership Body for Paralegals. NALP offers accredited paralegal qualifications and training courses.
NALP helps us to improve our skills and provides the professional development which is necessary to work as a paralegal in the field of immigration. As a member of the organization, we receive additional advice on further development in the Paralegal Profession.
BS Immigration also has exclusive access to a personal account on the NALP website with access to webinars on various subject areas, the latest news and career advice.

7. ILPA Membership
The Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association (ILPA) is a professional association and registered charitable organization, most of whose members are barristers, solicitors, lawyers and OISC consultants who practice in all aspects of immigration, asylum and citizenship law.
ILPA provides training programs and conducts research, information support and expression of opinions based on the experience of members on issues in the field of immigration, asylum and citizenship legislation.

As a member of ILPA, BS Immigration has the opportunity to attend regular trainings, consult with colleagues, and use the database on domestic and European immigration, asylum and nationality law.