Our Cases

British citizenship for a child of 13, although he was born and lived in the UK
British citizenship for a child of 13
17 September 2024
Naturalization Citizenship by BS immagration

British citizenship for a child of 13, although he was born and lived in the UK


We were contacted by the parents of a boy who was born in the UK, but did not have UK citizenship until the age of 13. I tell you why this happened, and how we got British citizenship for the child.

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ARC card. UK Work Permit for 2 years
ARC card. UK Work Permit for 2 years
13 September 2024
Charity Worker Up To 2Y by BS immagration

Oksana, a young woman from Russia, contacted us. She applied for asylum through a charity organization. However, she was NOT allowed to work in the ARC – Application Registration Card.


The ARC card is issued to all applicants for asylum in the UK for up to 2 years while the case is being considered. They are called Asylum Seekers in the UK. They can get a work permit with an ARC card, depending on how they applied for asylum:
• after which type of visa they were applied for,
• what were the conditions of that visa at the time of application,
• whether the visa was expired or not.

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Charity Worker Visas granted to Husband and Wife
Charity Worker Visas granted to Husband and Wife
27 August 2024
Charity Worker Up To 2Y by BS immagration

A young woman Leila and her husband came to our company for obtaining a Charity Worker Visa which is for up to 2 years. They are originally from Kazakhstan.


First of all, we issued a visa to Leila as the main applicant for a Charity Worker Visa. And she got the visa WITHIN ONE WEEK. Further, even before her arrival to the UK, we applied for her husband’s visa as a dependent family member.


Askar got his visa very quickly – within one week. The Charity Worker Visa does not give permission to work in the UK, but Askar was given a FULL WORK PERMIT.

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How do we get a Visitor Visa after three refusals?
How do we get a Visitor Visa after three refusals?
24 June 2024
Visitor Visa by BS immagration

Just recently a girl Sanira came to us after three refusals for a visitor’s visa. We listened to her at the consultation and came to the conclusion that we would get a visa for her.



Client’s situation
– Citizen of Kazakhstan
– Lives and works in Dubai
– Has her own legal property business
– She has a flat and a car



Has sufficient income and savings – over £10,000 in her bank account.

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Positive decision for Igor. Homes for Ukraine Sponsorship scheme
Positive decision for Igor
Homes for Ukraine Sponsorship scheme
28 May 2024
Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme by BS immagration

We have got a visa under the Homes for Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme for our client from Ukraine. The UK Home Office issued a positive decision on May 2.


The girlfriend of our client Igor came to Britain last year 2022 on a Sponsorship Visa and still lives with her sponsors. The sponsors are UK citizens and British; they feel happy that this girl stays with them.

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Sponsorship Licence in 4 weeks
Sponsorship License in 4 weeks
UK Skilled Worker route
21 May 2024
Sponsorship License by BS immagration

A young woman Gulziya has her own company here in London, which conducts accounting and finance activities. The company provides services for self-employed entrepreneurs and owners of large companies.


To hire an employee from another country, the company owner in the UK needs a Sponsorship License for Skilled Worker Route.


We have applied for a license to hire an employee who is a citizen of Uzbekistan and graduated from Brunel University London.

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