How do we get a Visitor Visa after three refusals?

Most recently, a young woman Sanira contacted us after three refusals on a Visitor Visa. We listened to her at the consultation and concluded that we would get a visa for her.
The client’s situation
- A citizen of Kazakhstan
- Lives and works in Dubai
- Has its own legal real estate business
- She has an apartment and a car
She also has sufficient income and savings, — there are more than 10,000 GBP in her bank account.
In addition, the woman knows English well. She was sure that she would be able to apply for a visa herself and get it without any problems.
Despite all of this, she was refused in a Visitor Visa three times.
Why, do you think?
We asked ourselves this question and began to study her documents.
In all three cases of refusal, the Home Office indicated in the documents the same reason for the refusal – finances. Although her finance is fine!
Unfortunately, knowledge of English is not always an indicator of obtaining a visa. In this case, we see that you can apply for a visa yourself three times with excellent English and be refused three times.
What have we done?
We have completed the visa application form correctly.
We wrote a letter of complaint to the Home Office with a reference to the legislation on the points in the appendix – 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6 and provided the necessary evidence to confirm the client’s income.
In case of refusals, I compose a letter on my own behalf (since I have an OISC certificate) and on behalf of the client, which he signs.
Small life hacks in case of failure
- If a Visitor Visa is unreasonably refused, then it is possible to refer to the violation of the Human Rights Act. That is, if everything is fine with finances and a person can afford to travel, then no one has the right to encroach on his freedom and movement.
- Providing a letter from the employer may work as well/
Our client had a great chance to get a visa – she was suitable on all points. If we were refused again, we could use the Human Rights clause and to declare that the refusal of the Home Office interferes with the free movement of a person.
Successful result
After our joint application for a visa, the client received a Visitor Visa. She was absolutely delighted and couldn’t believe that after so many refusals there was an opportunity to get a visa.
Now the Home Office has simplified the work on a guest visa and, if it makes a positive decision, the client receives a letter to his/her e-mail, in which they write that the person should come to the visa center with a passport.
Our client was worried that the decision had not yet come, but they asked for a passport. As a result, according to my instructions, she took the passport. And at the visa center, a sticker with a Visitor Visa was pasted into her passport.