Our Partners

BS Immigration & Partners is a combination of efforts, professional knowledge and skills aimed at achieving mutually beneficial results for both – us and our clients

We know that many people experience psychosocial stress during immigration, so we try to provide our customers with a high level of services. We cooperate with several partners who help us solve important issues of our clients related to visiting the UK or moving to the country.

By choosing BS Immigration, you have the opportunity to receive a full range of services for obtaining a visa, citizenship, moving to the UK, as well as:

  • Help in choosing English language courses for adults and children.
  • Assistance in choosing an educational institution for obtaining bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD degrees.
  • Solving all organizational issues related to applying for studying.
  • Organization of accommodation during training.
  • Selection of work in Charity Centers and obtaining a Certificate of Sponsorship for Charity Worker Visa.
  • Assistance in developing a Business Plan, building a financial model for Business Visas.
  • A full package of accounting, finance and tax services for individuals and legal entities.

Our partners and BS Immigration team have helped more than 500 people with getting an education and moving to the UK. We are proud to represent our outstanding partners.

Bayswater Education Limited

English Language Courses

Bayswater Education Limited Language School begins its history in 1948. Today, the company has several schools in the UK, France, Canada, South Africa and Cyprus.

Ekaterina is a representative of Bayswater Education Limited, helps our clients choose the appropriate English language course and solve organizational issues for studying and living in the UK.

English Courses include training for adults and children:

  • General English
  • IELTS Preparation
  • Cambridge Preparation
  • University Preparation
  • Business English
  • One to One English
  • Summer Camps

Professional courses in London and Canada:

  • Digital Marketing 
  • Luxury Brand Management
  • International Business Management
  • Teacher Training (CELTA)


  • Project Management
  • Digital Marketing
  • International Business Management

Depending on your goal, you can schedule a consultation with our partner’s representative Ekaterina, where you will discuss everything.


Organization of studying in the UK

UNIQ is an educational consulting company founded in 2017. Karolina Chmara (Founder, CEO and Consultant) Together with her colleagues, provides a variety of services for students, including expert knowledge in the field of educational consulting.

Karolina and her staff will help you:

  • Choose a suitable educational institution for you or your children.
  • Choose an accommodation for the duration of training.
  • Arrange insurance for a student.
  • Get help from England for financing of education, if possible in your case.
  • Get a full service for moving to your place of residence.

The UNIQ team will also give excellent advice on further career growth and support in internships and employment.

Best British Centre

Certificate of Sponsorship & Volunteer Work

Best British Centre is a non–profit charity organization in London, founded in 2007. The center is headed by our partner Gulnara Kursalina.

The Charity Center engages various London communities in events and projects in the fields of culture, education, sports and social sphere, which are aimed at working with children, youth and families from various backgrounds.

The center provides free educational services to the disadvantaged children, young people and families:

  • Professional training for adults 
  • Courses for children – dance, arts & crafts, drama, sewing & patchworking, music, photography / videography, it, design, writing, math and chess 

If you want to live in London and find out if the country suits you, with the support of the Center, we will arrange for you:

  • Certificate of Sponsorship required for Visa Application
  • Obtaining a Charity Worker Visa for 12 months (possibility of extension for the next 12 months)
  • Accommodation in London
  • Volunteer work with children as: guardians, managers, teachers, assistants, etc.

You need to have certain skills and knowledge if the chosen job requires it. Check all the nuances at the consultation.


Certificate of Sponsorship & Volunteer Work

PREMIUMMMM is a supplementary school located in London (Southgate and Grace). The school delivers classes for adults and children in the areas of ballet, art, football, baby gymnastics, piano, singing, drama, jewelry making, sewing and patchwork, and arts & crafts.

The founder of the school and our partner Nadia Kursalina will help you choose a volunteer job, get a Certificate of Sponsorship for Charity Worker Visa, and make arrangements for accommodation in London.

Maksim Kharitonov & Co

Business Plan, Financial Model, Business development service

Maxim and his team help clients of BS Immigration in the Business Plan development for Innovator Founder Route of Visa and provides professional support at every stage:

  • Analysis of your business idea to ensure it meets the requirements of innovation, relevance, and scalability
  • Adaptation your business concept to align with all necessary criteria
  • Business idea approval
  • Development of an optimal Business Plan according to endorsing bodies’ criteria
  • Development of a Financial Model

Maxim and his colleagues have 20 years of experience. Upon completion, they provide you with the business plan and finalize it with your approval before submitting to the authorized body. They guarantee professional and reliable assistance.

Maxim’s company will also provide services for the development of your business in the UK. Experienced consultants will create an adapted strategy taking into account the conditions of the UK market for a successful start and growth of your business.

Best Solutions Consulting Ltd

UK Tax & Accounting Services for individuals and legal entities

Best Solutions Consulting Ltd is the head company of Best S Consulting LTD which is the owner of trademark “BS Immigration”. The company owner and Director Gulziya Aitbay is IFA qualified (Institute of Financial Accountants in UK) accountant and tax specialist with an international experience in finance sector more than 7 years. IFA is a premium accounting qualification on the high standard, which gives the right to be a chartered accountant and legally provide a full range of financial services to UK registered companies.

Gulziya Aitbay and her team are highly qualified accountant, finance, TAX professions who are accompanying companies from registration stage and during all activities accounting support and maintenance of self-employed, LTD, LLP. They offer bookkeeping and business accounting services, which include the closure of all accounting issues and allow you to forget what competent documentation and timely closure of financial, tax issues and cases are. You can easily focus on business development, and immediately outsource accounting to Gulziya’s team.