Visa Application

The application is a visa questionnaire form. Many people believe that a visa application form can be filled out easily and simply but this is not the case because the UK immigration requirements are changed from time to time.
How can we help?
We will help you with the following questions:
1. Verification of compliance of the submitted documents with UK standards
2. Making an online application
3. Interview preparation in certain cases
4. Further support after obtaining a visa related to migration and adaptation to the country
Why is it better to trust an advocate?
Before we fill out the visa application form, we sign a contract with the client. After signing the contract with the client, our specialist has the right to indicate his details in the visa application form, as an immigration advocate. It is necessary in case of any questions:
- The advocate could write to the Home Office on behalf of the client, since he represents the client’s interests, and the Home Office will answer his question in the name of the client.
- In case of refusal on such visas as Skilled Worker, Innovator Founder, Family, and other visas where it is possible to apply for administrative reviews or appeal. Our advocate has the right to deal with the administrative review of visa refusal. If the decision was made incorrectly, all documents are checked again very carefully, because nowadays there are very strict requirements for documents, especially financial documents.
In the CIS countries, in some European and other countries, the bank statements differ from the UK bank statements. Accordingly, for the visa application form, for example, additional letters, and financial certificates are required.
Bank statement requirements
At present time the Home Office requests not only one bank statement for finance, but even 2-3 documents. Therefore, all these documents are checked very carefully during the filling out of the application form. While filling out the questionnaire, a lot of questions are also clarified such as an address, the last name of the parents, and information about children. All these moments are filled in. It is checked whether the person had any violations of the laws in the country of residence, in the country of citizenship.
If an interview is required to obtain a visa, we help with recommendations on how to prepare properly for an interview. For example, a volunteer visa Charity Worker includes an interview requirement before applying for a visa. We explain how to prepare properly for this interview.
The Home Office response
Our adviser enters his data into documents: e-mail, phone numbers, and so on. There are cases when the Home Office requests additional documents. They send an email not only to the client but also to our adviser. Accordingly, the adviser monitors the mail every day, so he can immediately respond to the Home Office or inform the client if additional documents are required. The adviser will also inform the client if there is a refusal or consent to a visa.
If you have any questions, you can write to us via WhatsApp or welcome a consultation.